
Upgrading & strengthening St Ninians’ Church; March/April  2022

Church done

Floor Repolish July 2022

World day of Prayer, March 2021

Autumn 2021





Thursday Muffins & Coffee Group with students from the English Language School, November 2020

Kaikoura trip, March 2019


Three paintings by Judith Laing on the North-West wall in the church.  

“ I have read in the Bible of God’s creation and how nothing can extinguish his light. I pondered on where the darkest place in his world might be. I decided it had to be in the dark depths of the ocean. I had read that creatures live there in the darkness so how do they get any light? AS God is in the deepest darkness I placed an illuminated cross that lit this mysterious place.”

Each painting is subtlety different. They are well displayed close to each other.

Judith Laing was a fine artist whose work deserves recognition.

Advent Candles
Advent Candles image

Christmas choral group

Christmas tree


Sanctuary window: “Feeding the Five Thousand”

Dogwood in flowerBrass quartet at Morning Worship on 10th September

Trip to Scotland, May 2016