St Ninians

Sunday morning services, 9.30am
Sunday reflections are posted on this site.

Sunday’s service on Zoom at 9.30am:   
Meeting starts at 9.30am

Meeting ID: 742 4368 8603
Passcode: kC2XBA

(Please make sure your microphone is turned off (muted). Otherwise your voice (or any other sounds in your vicinity can be heard over the service. Click on the microphone symbol at the bottom left of your Zoom screen and select “mute” or turn “off”.)

church and hall
  • St Ninian’s is a Presbyterian Church community committed to exploring the Christian faith and practice from a liberal/progressive Christian perspective.
  • We enjoy the space and freedom to explore and discover what matters to us – spirituality, faith and community.
  • We are committed to interacting with our city community in ways that build compassion, hope and justice.
  • We are committed to creating a safe and hospitable place for people to gather.

About us…

We’re a well established congregation of the Presbyterian kind, with an open and liberal style of faith, using a traditional worship form in the main.  We seek to develop and express  the faith within, rather than requiring conformity to creeds and confessions of yesteryear.  Faith, we believe, should be grounded in a contemporary world view. Nevertheless, we value our historical links, and see them as something to build upon. We belong to the Reformed tradition of Christianity. That makes us a reforming church! Here is a list of all past (and present) St Ninians Ministers and Session Clerks.

Contact us…

Office: 348 6418,

Thursdays 9am-12pm

Fridays: 8.30am – 12:30pm


Interim Moderator: Rev Stephanie Wells

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